Thursday, July 7, 2011

moving on

Joshua and I left East Wind yesterday. We had been planning to go back to Twin Oaks for while. East Wind felt, and still feels like home. There is a big part of me that knows that if I stayed I would be wanting to know what other communities were like, and wondering if there is someplace out there that fits me better. I think that I became a stronger and more assertive person at East Wind, but my sensitivities were not as recognized and respected as they have been at other places.

Sometimes I find myself yearning for a home that doesn't seem to exist. I hope someday I can make my home wherever I am.

We are at Joshua's parents' house for a couple days, and then we will be taking a bus to Twin Oaks. Our friend Noah, who was visiting East Wind, came along with us, and the three of us have been laying down wood chips on the trail in their woods all morning. I'm tired! I made cheesy mushroom and kale sandwiches for Joshua and I, and now I feel like taking a nap...

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